Old German Potato Pot


  • 18 oz. Beef 
  • 1 cup meat broth 
  • 1 cup white wine 
  • 1 lbs potatoes 
  • 2 leeks 
  • 4 carrots 
  • 1/2 celery root 
  • 1 parsnip 
  • 4 tomatoes 
  • salt 
  • pepper (white) 
  • 1/2 teaspoon of dried basil 
  • 1/2 teaspoon of thyme (destemmed) 
  • 1/2 teaspoon of marjoram 
  • 1/2 lbs. chanterelles 
  • 1/2 cup sour cream 
  • 1 tablespoon of chives (fresh) 

  1. Cut the beef into bite sized pieces and sauté in hotSunflower Oil. Infuse with 1/2 a cup of the meat broth and 1/2 a cup of the white wine. 
  2. Cover it and let simmer at low heat for appr. 45 minutes. In the meantime wash, peel and dice the potatoes. Wash and slice the leeks, make sure you also use the green leaves at the top. 
  3. Wash and peel the carrots, celery root and parsnip also. Slice the carrots and dice the celery root. Chop theparsnip. 
  4. Skin the tomatoes, remove the stalk bases and cut them into small pieces. 
  5. Add it all to the meat now and add the rest of the wine and the meat broth. 
  6. Season to taste with the salt, pepper, marjoram andthyme. Cover and let simmer for another 25 minutes. 
  7. 5 minutes before its finished cooking, add the chanterelles. 
  8. Depending on the consistence, you may need to add some water or even better, if you have some wine or meat broth left over, use that. 
  9. Add the sour cream immediately before serving and stir well. 
  10. Now serve in a bowl and sprinkle with the fresh chives. 


  • If you like it a bit hot, don't be afraid to add some chilly. 
  • If you don't have chanterelles or if you don't like them, use 
  • porcini. They are also very suitable for this dish.